Strong. Dark. Lager.
The hunt is on.
Malty. Rich. A deep, delicious ruby.
This iteration of a classic German Bock is a super satisfying brew. Focussing on Munich and Vienna malts, this is a bready, malty, dark extravaganza of a beer.
Strong enough to not be for the faint of heart. Rich enough to handle it.
If you are looking for a satisfying lager for the dark winter months...
... then the hunt is over.
The Hunt For Red Bocktober Recipe kit contains all the malt, yeast and hops required for a delicious, all grain Bock
Please select your batch size and milling option when ordering.
Recipe Kit Specifications
Volume ~ 21 litres
IBUs ~ 20
OG ~ 1.064
FG ~ 1.014
ABV ~ 6.6%
Colour ~ 35 EBC
Note: Actual figures are based on a 21L batch brewed with a 35L BrewZilla with a nominal brewhouse efficiency of 70%, and may vary.
Quantities of grain, hops and yeast are scaled up for double batches.
If you need a guide on pressure fermentation please check out .
For a breakdown on transferring your finished beer, please refer or.
If you want to really make the best possible beer, using brewing salts to adjust your water profile is recommended. You can grab a fantastic .
If you have never used brewing salts to adjust the water profile and mash pH before, check out our
Please note that the instructions are specific to a 35L or 65L BrewZilla setups. To adapt the recipe for other systems, please use the links below to import the original recipe to BrewFather.
For recipe details, please refer to the BrewFather recipe sheet:
Use this link for the RAPT Profile:
We highly recommend using BrewFather to calculate changes to water quantities and water chemistry.